Seeing, Peeking, Viewing.
We'd like to share a little bit of our world with yours.
Motherhood, watching Freedom grow & other delightful things!
A generation of awareness & authenticity, LAUGHTER & LOVE.


Happy Holidays from our family to yours!

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!

I designed this year's holiday card myself using the text/editing/create tools on and the postcard printing services of cards direct, and of course the willingness, sweetness and energy of my son to take a slew of photos so that I could find one that worked. I actually envisioned my little screaming silent night idea last year sometime, when I got another pic of my son with his mouth wide open (he likes to do this). But, that image was a bit old & I was trying to figure out what to do for this year's card, so I stuck a hat on him, stuck him on his bike on the porch and started snapping shots & to my surprise, he made another perfect little open mouth hollerin' face that turned out just right for my idea.

He has this thing with opening his mouth after eating something, to show us that it's all gone. And also he just likes to do these surprised happy go lucky type faces in general, he's not really yelling or horribly loud in general, but he has a good set of screamin' lungs on him when he needs them (like in a mall that he doesn't want to leave as I'm draggin' him out or carrying him underneath my arm through Macy's times twice). Anyway, I did the postcard thing this year, A. because I like the look of them & B. because you save a few pennies on postage when you're sending out 75 plus cards each season (a third or more of those are family btw)

Here's what I had printed for the backside of these:

If you believe, as children do, the Magic of the Holidays will be with you!

A little statement I found on some other card site, but I don't remember where.

And then a few words of my own too:

Wising you and yours a blessed Christmas and

PEACE, COMFORT & JOY in the New Year!

And voila, there you have it, our holiday postcards 2010!


Rainbow Brighten up your Kitchen

"I like my apple pie sweet & my whiskey neat, and I always wear an apron while I bake!"Sew, I finished up my very first full kitchen apron and took some snazzy pics of my great friend MamaZshanna (she's a hottie mchotterson kind of stay at home mom designer artisan extraordinaire) modeling it for me. It was a really fun project, partly because I didn't exactly follow a pattern, but did use the tutorial and guide for a sewing made fun, retro apron I found here and partly because once I started, my momentum was flying & I was so anxious to get it done, that it went pretty fast. Twas' my first time ever experimenting with bias tape & I must say, it went smoother than I expected. Trick is to go ridiculously slow as you attach the bias tape, it's kind of a tedious step, but the end result is a smashingingly, clean, crisply trimmed & professional looking apron! For the fabulous main fabric, I used a piece of the clean/reusable section from a vintage 1980's Rainbow Brite bed sheet (that had paint splattered across parts of it), that I had scored on a thrifting adventure a couple years ago and had been saving specifically for a unique sewing project. I'm just thrilled with how this apron turned out & proud for challenging myself to sew this style apron for my first ever apron! Oh yah, and it's reversible. I used some delightfully bright shades of green new fabric to coordinate with the vintage fabric. I just adore incorporating materials that already exist & upcycling them into the things I create! It makes me feel all warm & fuzzy inside. This apron made by me, is available for purchase here in my shop.


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