Seeing, Peeking, Viewing.
We'd like to share a little bit of our world with yours.
Motherhood, watching Freedom grow & other delightful things!
A generation of awareness & authenticity, LAUGHTER & LOVE.


Sock Monkey Mama

It's interesting to see how the littlest things a child does can bring smiles of joy to a mama. We normally keep Freedom's little jack-in-the-box sock monkey toy up in the closet and bring it out on occasion, because he hasn't completely learned how to wind it and push the monkey back in the box to do it again. His larger sock monkey stuffed toy sits out perched on the end of his crib. Today I pulled the jack-in-the-box toy out for him to try and we enjoyed winding it, watching it pop and giggling together for a few moments. I then left him to play alone in his room and walked out for a few moments. When I returned, this is how I found his two sock monkey toys. He had pulled the larger, "mama" monkey down from the crib and left it wrapped around the little box monkey. I don't know why it tugged at me so, but it did. I just thought it was so cute & sweet that he had thought to put them together, snuggled up, left to care for each other. It made mama's heart smile. Sock monkeys unite!


Day to Day Play

High-five for being bestie lil buddies!

Well no, I don't mind if I do borrow your shiny, pink fanny pack, friend.


Garden Gnome Boy! Halloween 2009.

Freedom did such a good job playing the role of cutest garden gnome ever! It was a really great Halloween weekend. Freedom got to hang out with a few of his little costumed friends and then went trick or treating for the first time, with his cousins and nana. Mama B went to a few adult costume parties, which were loads of fun. We heart Halloween! Check out the garden gnome and friends in a few wonderful photos.


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