Seeing, Peeking, Viewing.
We'd like to share a little bit of our world with yours.
Motherhood, watching Freedom grow & other delightful things!
A generation of awareness & authenticity, LAUGHTER & LOVE.


The Big T-W-O!

 The nifty vintage restored dresser birthday gift!

 It's pretty darling!

Hooray for Two!
Blue cupcakes are best eaten shoved in your face

Did a sorta space/rocket themed bday.
Here he is in his pilot birthday outfit trying out his new shades

Lil Lady Guest Two with a Lolli Too

Lil Lady Guest One enjoying her Lollipop

Donuts are Tasty!

First Sprinkled Donut

Balloon Madness

Freedom's 2nd Birthday Room O' Balloons Surprise

Freedom turned two and the morning of his birthday, mommy and dada filled his room with balloons to surprise him. He enjoyed the balloon surprise and and went a bit nuts playing for awhile with all the balloons, tackling them and rolling amonst them. Twas' pretty cute! We had just a wee party at his nana & papa's house, with family and two of his best gal pals, because I heard a fantastic suggestion that it's good to invite as many guests as the number your child is turning. With the exception of his two cousins, who'll always be invited (but they actually missed it because they were sick), and the exception of his niece, we'll plan on sticking to that suggestion. We like that idea now, not so sure how much we'll like it when he's sixteen? He is very blessed and got some super fun gifts from everyone and a really neat vintage circus themed restored dresser, from mommy, daddy & nana. Two cool for school!
P.S. Special thanks to nana for hosting the shindig & spoiling our munchkin and to aunt Jen for always helping to make everything special and successful. We're so lucky!


Freedom Scribble Crayon Art

I think he does a great job trying to use up a lot of the space on the paper. It's also kinda neat that he varies which color crayons he uses. Makes for quite a vibrant crayola crayon masterpiece! Freedom in color!


Crochet Hat Creations

I started crocheting recently and have begun to create some fun little toddler hats. I basically taught myself to crochet, over the last few months, because I saw the cutest monster hat online and really wanted to make one for Freedom, so I did. Now, I've not only made the monster hat, but I've also created some of my own original hats, that I'm calling 'Character Hats'. They're just little character, cartoon, animal etc. type themed inspired creations. Here's Freedom modeling the monster hat, which was one of the first hats I ever crocheted, actually I think it was literally the third hat I made, the Grover inspired earflap hat & the Ernie hat. I have opened up a little online shop, where people can purchase these hats and other craft creations I'm working on. It's called Attaboy CuteTure, and it's my own personal, Busy At Home Mommy handmade small business. Having so much fun learning and practicing various crochet, sewing & craft type projects and looking forward to adding more items to my shop in the future!


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