Seeing, Peeking, Viewing.
We'd like to share a little bit of our world with yours.
Motherhood, watching Freedom grow & other delightful things!
A generation of awareness & authenticity, LAUGHTER & LOVE.


Playtime at the Park

There is a really neat, very toddler friendly playground at a park next to our local rec center. It's big and much nicer and safer than the playground within walking distance from our house, so we've driven to it a few times lately. They have two huge play structures, one for kids probably 5 and up and the other for smaller tots. Both are pretty safe structures in general and a lot of fun for Freedom to explore. He's getting more and more daring with his playground activity. He is generally pretty fearless and courageous, rarely hesitating as he climbs and plays. Probably though, his favorite thing to do is to follow any other children, especially bigger boys, around and mimick what they do. Lol! Sometimes there are no other kids at the playground, but when there are, Freedom will be sure to do everything he can to keep up with them, whether they want him to or not. He is very interested in the big kids and they often challenge him or push him to try new things, which is a little scary for mama, but fun for him!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a super fun park. And that is a super fun sweatshirt! My little stylish Freedom.



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