Seeing, Peeking, Viewing.
We'd like to share a little bit of our world with yours.
Motherhood, watching Freedom grow & other delightful things!
A generation of awareness & authenticity, LAUGHTER & LOVE.


Dread Locks 'The Baby Phase'

I have begun the potentially long process and journey of locking my hair. This part is called the "Baby Phase/Stage", in a series of five locking phases; 'Baby, Child, Adolescent, Adult, & Elder.' The locking stylist/artist I've been blessed to have work on my hair is named Robin. She's a very neat lady and has been locking and maintaining client's hair for 20 + years. She is currently also training a woman named, Ramia, who might eventually take over her Denver based clients. Ramia helped with the start of my first day process. I sat in a chair for about 6 1/2 hours for this first step. No synthetic products or bees wax were used to start my dreads, as Robin works from an organic & natural position. Both Robin and I are very happy with how they turned out, so far. There is a long road of waiting, spiritual focus and awareness, and learning to maintain my locks, ahead of me. However, I feel excited and inspired to have finally begun the process, especially with Robin's help and leadership.

1 comment:

  1. I love it! Brooke I had no idea this venture was so much of YOU, as in such a spiritual journey as opposed to just a hair-did! I can't wait to see it and the process. You're beauty-full.



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